Transformation,Pain or Pleasure?

As far as am concerned, each and every transformation I’ve undergone I’ve shed bitter tears.

At about 5 years old, my primary teeth started loosening up and that was never a subject of discussion. I would rather keep it to myself than communicate that my tooth was ready for removal. But when I look back, and see how flawless my dental formula is, a big smile is observed.

My first day at school, I couldn’t understand how hostile my guardians were to take me to a place I’ve never been before . I cried hoping to be taken back home but it was all in vain. I got used with no time and even better, made friends. Funny enough, I repeated nursery school. No, I wasn’t dumb, they claimed I was too tiny yet too smart as well.

The first time I realized people actually die and they can’t be seen again, I shed a tear and couldn’t imagine I’d disappear one day as well. May all our beloved ones Rest In Peace.

In class 6, where I happened to repeat due to post elections violence, I pierced my ears, thanks to the pressure of my brother Brian Luvaga, there’s no such great pain as that. Keeping in mind the person who influenced you was actually making fun. I cried my eyes out and as per now, whenever I look at myself in the mirror I laugh at myself but tap myself on the shoulder as well. I look good in earrings.

When I was in class 7,I started my monthly periods, I have to say I was ignorant, I didn’t really concentrate whenever girl talks were held. I thought I’d be a baby forever, well my bad. I must say I was ashamed at first and cried thinking it was the end of the world but later on, I learnt it was a normal cycle and life had to continue.

In class 8, after my KCPE results were out, where I had managed to score 363 marks which I must say I expected more, I mean I used to score 400 marks and above  mostly. On the other hand, my brother scored 401, I shed a tear immediately after his results’ text came through. No, he wasn’t my competition, and of course I wasn’t jealous. I just felt inferior regardless having put too much efforts. As per now I must say I try to challenge him although he’s still smarter but I never let myself feel any lesser either .

When I was admitted in high school, which happened to be my first time in boarding school and my first time away from home for a period of more than a week. I didn’t know how to survive keeping in mind all the hostile stories I’d heard about high school. To me, it was a suicidal mission. Regardless being scared, I got the most heart-warming welcome from the senior students which made me calm down and even made more friends.

Either way, high school wasn’t a bed of roses. Each transformation has its own ups and downs as well. After the four years, I managed to get a B- and Brian on the other hand, got an A- , yes, this round I didn’t cry, I was a big girl. I was happy for him and happier for me.

And yes, during my first break up I did cry too but a girl has got to move on, head high .

All I’m trying to put across is that, transition could be painful, but it all depends on how you take it, endure, persevere and carry on.

Yes, we’re human beings, prone to failure, humiliation,sin, drama,heartbreak ,trauma and much more. However, how to tackle situations has a great effect not only on you as an individual but also on those around you.

Think about it,transformations aren’t that bad after all. They have a moral lesson. Sometimes they’re for the better. It all depends with your attitude.

In this whole wide world , you have to compete with yourself. If you choose to compete with the world, you’ll lose your battles.


Acceptance isn’t Appreciation!

As much as some of the countries in Africa are developed, it’s still considered as a developing continent.

The main reason as to why it’s considered developing is due to poor polital,social and economic growth in most countries.

My main concern is that, leaders are appointed to cater for the needs and fight for the rights of the disabled but they tend to ignore their duties and obligations. Instead, they venture into political matters and roles rather than their social roles.

There are many disabled people in our country, Africa, and the world at large. They tend to face many challenges both physical and emotional. Others are abandoned and secluded from other people and families. This isn’t the right way to handle the situation, they have to be accepted the way they are and appreciated. There couldn’t be a better version of them other than themselves.

As much as most of them strive to meet ends, they don’t seem to be in a better position as others. This is due to exploitation and lack of equal opportunities.

For instance,most institutions don’t have rumps or elevators to cater for the physically disabled people in different institutions like school and universities. Brails to cater for the blind and the necessary papers they need. A good example is my school, we happen to have one blind student who requested for the papers in the first semester last year September, in March, nothing had been done yet! Fortunately, some female lecturer decided to follow up, am hoping he was attended to accordingly.  Sign language interpreters for the deaf and dumb seem to be very few. I do appreciate the media houses like KTN that ensures there’s always a sign language interpreter in each and every broadcasting session.

Am 100% sure there are funds allocated to cater for the necessary facilities for the physically, visually and hearing impaired persons in organizations and institutions but in one way or another, the funds are not used accordingly and nothing useful is achieved!

My sister, Sydney Asagi, an International Relations student, seems to have alot to say regarding this situation. She mentioned that it would be such a great idea if the disabled could have their own residential areas where they won’t have to feel any lesser since they’re the same. This isn’t a form of seclusion, it’s just a way to make them feel at ease. The area should be well equipped with all the necessary facilities that they’ll need for their survival. She also mentioned that if the public transport would ensure that there are vehicles that would cater for their transport whereby they don’t have to struggle with other people to get to their destinations. As much as we’ve accepted the disabled, we dont seem to appreciate them, hence we tend to worry about ourselves first,the major killer of the world today !

In short, all countries should ensure that the rights and freedoms of the disabled are upheld accordingly! Those appointed,male and female, to cater for the needs of the disabled , should be disabled so that they’ll handle the matter well since they know the struggle unlike the normal people who’ll work upon getting wealthy than for the needs of the disabled.

Each and every person should work upon helping,accepting and appreciating the disabled. We don’t have to be in power to help! There are very many people out here who can help, and it’s upon everyone to take action, today not tomorrow! Do good, and God Himself will find a way to repay you!