SHADE IN THE LIGHT — angagafelix23

If I ask you, which is the richest place on earth, what would you say?! I tell you today the GRAVEYARD is the most rich place on earth. Why do I say this….If you are given the opportunity to be that great person but you die convincing yourself you were born to be where you […]

via SHADE IN THE LIGHT — angagafelix23

Why Are Women Mean to Each Other?

Every Female Should Read This.


I once read a tweet that said, “If women ruled the world, there will be no wars. Just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other.” Although we might appreciate the good humor, I was amused by the underlying literary miscellany, ridiculing the vices and flaws of women. Why are the majority of women so vindictive and petty? Is it possible to co-exist amicably without the gossipy, spiteful and rancorous behavior? Maybe. If we can dig for the fundamental truth pertaining these common traits we might just conquer the world as a species.

I once worked in an open office area where I witnessed the most horrific kind of ostracism by women. We had a new department receptionist, young and attractive. All the ladies unanimously did not like her. As an observer from the terraces I realized that we are unable to elaborate our differences and accept each…

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What If You Write Something No One Else Is Interested In Reading?

Meg Dowell Writes

When I first started blogging, I knew I wanted to focus on documenting my life as a writer.

Over time, I realized my friends, family, and classmates really didn’t care that much about writing — at least not the way I talked about it.

For those first three or four years, I had I’d say about 10 occasional readers. Almost all of them were people I didn’t know. But they were people who thought my topic — writing about writing — was interesting.

Even though my audience was small, and there were times it felt like no one cared about what I was doing, I kept doing it anyway. I liked writing about my passion. And slowly, over time, more people who also liked my passion found and started reading my blog.

It would have been very easy to give up early on in my blogging journey. I say that…

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Love For The Bugs✨🐞|Confidence — LoveYOUself💘🌺

Today’s Positive Reminder 🌻 I get asked all the time “Why are you so confident?” “Why is it so easy for you to speak about God?” “Why is it so easy for you to speak highly of yourself?” Confidence is much more deeper than getting 100 likes, getting a bunch of compliments, etc. It’s about […]

via Love For The Bugs✨🐞|Confidence — LoveYOUself💘🌺

Signs of an Emotional Bully  — MakeItUltra™

By Eric Perry, PhD-c “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.” ~Anonymous I wish the above quote was true. Unless we are machine or lack human emotions, words and actions have a profound effect on the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us. In our current society we […]

via Signs of an Emotional Bully  — MakeItUltra™

Fair Fighting Rules for Relationships — MakeItUltra™

By Eric Perry, PhD-c “An eye for an eye will only make the world blind” ~Mahatma Gandhi Arguments and relationships go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. Unfortunately, arguments are not as sweet as jelly and don’t go over as smooth as peanut butter. When we argue with our loved ones, it is […]

via Fair Fighting Rules for Relationships — MakeItUltra™

MyHeart_KE winning poem.AT NO. 1- MY OTHER TO ONOTHER BY EVAN CAPTAIN  — stowelink inc

MY OTHER TO ANOTHER For words don’t meet my thoughts For my needs doesn’t meet my want For my search doesn’t meet my reach For my tongue don’t meet my lips To you, To you I hold on That you feel the beat of my heart That its rhythm matches to yours It hurts to […]

via MyHeart_KE winning poem.AT NO. 1- MY OTHER TO ONOTHER BY EVAN CAPTAIN  — stowelink inc