No Posters!

It’s about that time where politicians are going to take advantage of the citizens for their own good.
After 5 years of nothing, they’re coming back to us like they’ve improved our standards, our economy, our education, our health services and all social amenities; of which they haven’t.
In fact inflation is on to the next level, hardly can a common “mwanachi” put food on the table and other basic needs.

They manipulate the citizens with very little money knowing that they’re in need so that they can vote them in again, and once voted in, they do the same things they always do over and over again!

As per now, posters of over 100 politicians are all over the place, and they’re really polluting our environment, if it was up to me I’d go vandalize all of them!

What makes you think the citizens will vote you in again yet they haven’t seen anything you’ve done for them?

Well maybe your little money would buy votes but let’s talk about those other citizens who can’t tolerate vices in the society? Money can buy you votes but not peace, love and unity.

The past weeks we’ve seen how incompetent our political leaders are during the primaries. Unnecessary drama over election irregularities. Why can’t people take the right channels and means to deal with irregularities?
If this is how everyone’s going to act over the August elections then we seriously need intervention from above.
Nobody wants a repeat of 2007, well unless you weren’t affected in any way you would.

The saddest thing is that our leaders don’t epitomize any good characters. So the citizens are in a worst position if at all they follow what their so called leaders do.

What bothers me the most are the posters which are everywhere, I’m really offended because our environment is being polluted and degraded!
The outering road is still under construction and the posters that are there are too much to enable the engineers continue with their work. It looks so dirty and disgusting!

Somebody tell these politicians we need change!
We don’t need to see your posters, we need to see your actions
